Thursday, 31 May 2012

Today on the 31st of May 2012, I start this blog. My name is Rajesh and a sincere law abiding citizen of this country. This blog i would be writing in the pseudonym  called Sanyasi, a name i was called upon by my friends since college. This name also  camouflage an individual identity which helps in bringing a non partsan and biazed frame work to the national debate which i plan to start from this coloum . My blog is an open book for all humanity to write on their views on the subject of discussion which can be any thing under the sun whether it is politics, religion , science and even any taboo subject.

Today I take the issue of the ongoing discource in public on the issue of corruption at high places and in particularly the shikandi issue. Mr bhushans remark was under scrutiny and if you had watched the Times News where our prime time public prosecutor Mr Arnab goswamy was quizzing Jr Bhushan in the presence of Mr Hegde both from the same Team Anna brigade.

Bhushanji was polite in admiting that he used the term shikandi only as a metaphor and he respects  the PM might have been a face saving tactic, but what needs to be pondered is on the question whether if the PM is heading a group of ministers under whose ministries such nepotism  takes place, then is he not responsible . Can he say that Iam a clean person even though my team is corrupt. Why he dont have the guts to put his foot down and say , enough is enough, I saved this country from an economic catastrophe and i cant lead this same country when my own ministries are labelled tainted . As a gentleman , if he is not really a shikandi he should step down and that only would bring back his lost glory:

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