The BJP parliamentary board
is likely to meet and announce that Narendra Modi is the Prime ministerial
candidate for the 2014 General Election in India : As per press reports,
veteran leader L K Advani and his mentee Sushma Swaraj , has opposed the move.
On the eve of this announcement, let me put forward three questions on What it makes to be a Prime Minister of
India and you readers think and decide on how much is NaMo ( Narendra Modi)
eligible as per this questioned criteria .
1 Nationally recognized and acceptable?It is said that the legacy
of the congress party in the post independent era has its genesis on Mahatma
Gandhi anointing Jawaharlal Nehru as his successor. The socialistic and secular
credentials of Nehru outweighed the feudal and rightist lineage of Sardar patel
in this choice exercised by the father of the nation. Nehru was a nationally
accepted leader irrespective of party affiliation- a charisma later inherited
by his family and carried forward even now to the fourth generation- Atal Behari Vajpayee was also viewed as a
moderate leader and Statesman , in the whole of the country irrespective of his
being the leader of a right wing political party.The present Prime Minister
did acclaim a nationalist credential as India's path breaking Finance Minister:On these yard sticks, where
do NaMo stand?
2 Administrative experience in a National Level?All former Prime Ministers
excepting the makeshift PM Deve Gowda had considerable exposure in handling national
issues. Does NaMo have it?
Crossing the Language barrier?Much has been done
unsuccessfully in camouflaging the
national identity of INDIA to that of the Hindi language. Setting aside the
diverse and culturally richer languages of India, efforts in officiating Hindi
hitherto have been resisted by people who don't speak that language as their mother tongue. Here the Queen's language
whether we like it or not have been an acceptable lingua franca and hence all Prime Ministers of India were
fluent and converse in that language whenever they addressed the non-Hindi
speaking people which made them comfortable ?Will NaMo do it ?
On other counts too like ‘’NaMo
being a successful Chief Minister’’ is not a singular eligibility, as the chief
ministers of Bihar,Tripura, Goa and TamilNadu were all equally successful .
In spite of all this what
makes NaMo the numero uno for the Prime minister post? This is not a result
of marketing gimmicks or any type of social media blitzkrieg , but due to
the prevailing lack of trust and the
leadership vacuum that this country faces. The level of energy and youthfulness
lacking on our existing political establishment and the need for a leader
, who is selfless and incorrupt have
made NaMo a better choice in spite of all the ineligibility cited against the
above three questions. The determination and strength shown by him in the caricatured and pinpointed political mudslinging and International
isolation he faced since the Gujarat
riots , did make the nation realize that it was unfair to put the whole blame
on him.
As he is poised to surpass
this milestone and as cited earlier in this blog (Modification of theBJP June 9,2013 ) , the inner conscience of NaMo
should act in paving way for Advanji to lead ....... If Sonia Gandhi can listen
to this call in the last minute, why not our NaMo..... Sanyasi
Dear Sanyasi,
Again, as usual you have brought our a vibrant issue the country is confronting and its a sharp article I must admit. I think that it is high time we get away from the dynasty politics and graduate into a governance based politics. A PM must first be an able administrator & a human being rather than a politician (focusing more on the national khazana). I am sure BJP are dying to come on throne as they want to have their own share of pie from the khazana which congress has already looted. I sincerely hope they get something to eat as well. but coming back to you concluding remark I really feel our biggest curse is these stale old ideology politicians who have no idea about the pulse of the country. A country which has major population as middle aged and youth deserves a vibrant PM. Hence I would never ever consider Advani for it. Advani has already shown his narrow heartedness and I think he doesn't even deserve the place of a mentor in the party. Hence we are not left with a choice by Namo. I would not mind a women PM in sushmama swaraj though,,,,
The whole party politics has become redundant and a major source of corruption in India. So it hardly matter whether BJP's NAMo becomes PM or congress's Rahul. These designations are outdated and inefficient in governing the nation. We need to get away with khadi clad politicans wooing people with his/her Bhashan and promoting their party with lofty vachans. Time has changed. These gimmicks might work with innocent rural people but not with denizens. This section of the population who is constantly monitoring and articulating views through social networking media are new the intellectual and aware class. Instead of corrupt politics this class is yearning for professionalism in governance.
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